Log Room


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This is the page where we will be testing riding and having fun on any longboards we can get our hands on. Right now at Logged we have an AQSS Bronze Whaler designed by three time World Longboard Champion Beau Young.

Bronze Whaler

Ok I have been riding a 9.0 Bronze Whaler for the last three months. Previously I had been on an NSP elements 9.0 the current model, which I must add is a great board but more on that board at another time. I had been feeling nostalgic and have been wanting to ride a board that wasn’t epoxy and had a more old style surfing feel.  I got to be straight with you when I unwrapped the Bronzey I was blown away by the colour and the finish. Then I picked it up and another surprise it was heavy. But hey wasnt that what I was wanting. The board looked great and couldn’t wait to surf it.

First surf was at Waihi beach between lockdowns and boy did it feel different. I had to change the way I surfed, and slow it down. The board felt fast but very stiff. Couldn’t get right on the nose without nose diving or stalling.  Had a couple of good waves but things just didn’t feel right.

My first thought was fin, must be using the wrong fin. Next surf was  2-3 ft Manu mid tide light onshore, with a change of fin. I put a flexier and   half inch longer fin and boy the board felt way better. Nose riding was improving with each wave, coming off the bottom better but not a lot of speed when on the tail. Having to go to the front third to accelerate . More adjustment required. So, tried a cool as fin that always amazes me when i get it in the right position on  the right board. The Mc Cluck dolphin 8.5 in and headed to the beach .

Two foot soft left handers , perfect to try the board out again. Well what a miraculous change. Step back on the tail as you bottom turn board pivots around a sling shots out on to the face. Step forward and the  board takes off a couple more and you are on the nose laughing.

mcchuck fin

Catches waves so easily, and glides like a heavier glass bard should. Love the way the thin as tail allows you sink the back third and get bite off the bottom even though the board has old school 50/50 rails.  Looking forward to more waves when these westerlies pass through.  Also we will have a couple more Beau Young models coming through the Log Room.  Cheers Keith

Bronze whaler

The AQSS Bronze Whaler is the awe-inspiring new model by 2x World Champion Beau Young.

His latest creation offers more features than ever before with a two-tone bronze resin tint, heavy-duty 6-ounce cloth and 4 solid timber stringers making it the best value longboard on the planet.

The AQSS Bronze Whaler offers more float, paddle power and wave catching ability than anything else in Beau’s lineup whilst still offering a lively tail section for those critical turns and maneuvers.

bronze wailer 3

This board is constructed with 3 layers of cloth on the deck and 3 on the bottom, creating improved glide and trim than a standard longboard. The Bronze Whaler has pinched 50/50 rails and they have been refined to not only give you enough hold and lift during nose riding but also deliver instant engagement to perform manoeuvres in any section of the wave.

bronze wailer 1


CONSTRUCTION PU foam / 6 + 4oz + 6oz patch / 4 + 4oz + 4oz tail patch
ROCKER Low entry
CONCAVE Single to Vee
SKILL LEVEL Intermediate – Advanced
RAIL TYPE Pinched 50/50
FIN CONFIGURATION Single Fin Configuration



9’0 23 3 70.9L
9’4 23 3 73.8L
10’0 23 1/4 3 1/5 86.8L