This is my page. The place where you found out whats on my mind. Where I have been surfing . What boardsI’m riding, different fins, even what my mates are riding. As I have said somewhere else on the site just plain old good saltwater gossip. You could even email me and ask me a question. Got an event or anything to do with longboarding let me know.

We are lucky in New Zealand to have and eclectic group of shapers, at the top of their game. World class is where these craftsman are positioned. We will endeavor to catch up with them as time goes on and feature them in the “Log Room”. If we behave ourselves we are hoping to get our hands on boards from different shapers and put them to the test at The Point.
Cheers Keith
Tuesday 23rd
We have been having a great few days of waves, perfectly suitable for riding a longboard. Saturday and Sunday on the beach then the Point yesterday.
We caught Ruby in the water on Sunday, yes we busted her riding a mal as she gets back in to the water after just having had a baby.
This week is looking good for waves on the Point, will try and get out there and sample a couple for you.